Polyfilling Bind
JavaScript functions have a method called bind
. It's used to bind this
keyword to the provided function. It returns an exotic object that can't be bound again. this
in returned function will always point to the value passed at the time of binding independently from new execution context.
const data = 111
const fn = function() { console.log(this) }
const boundFn = fn.bind(data)
fn() // Window
boundFn() // 111
Tests (mocha + chai)
Custom bound function should bind this
value and properly handle arguments passed at bind and on bound function execution.
describe('custom bound function', function() {
'should properly bind passed value as this in returned function',
function () {
const data = 111
const fn = function() {
// use strict mode to prevent `this` boxing
'use strict'
return this
const bound = fn.customBind(data)
window.addend = 5
const data = { addend: 111 }
const fn = function(...args) {
return args.reduce( (a,c) => a + c, this.addend)
'should handle argumets passed to bound function',
function() {
const customBound = fn.customBind(data)
'should handle argumets passed on bind',
function() {
const customBound = fn.customBind(data, 1)
.to.equal(fn.bind(data, 1)(1,2))
Most important part of this polyfill is to create a copy of this
at the beginning to call it using apply
in the returned function. Rest of the code makes sure the arguments passed at binding and those passed ad execution are passed to the wrapped function.
// mocking polyfill (ES5)
if (!Function.prototype.customBind) {
Function.prototype.customBind = function() {
// copy function (this) for reference in return value
_this = this,
args = [];
// fill args and thisValue from function passed arguments
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (i) {
} else {
thisValue = arguments[i]
return function() {
// call slice on array-like Arguments
var allArguments = args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))
return _this.apply(thisValue, allArguments)
Comparing my solution with MDN's polyfill shows that it could be more concisely done using Array.prototype.slice
on Arguments to extract all but first elements instead of for loop.
args.push.apply(args, arguments)
Could be used in place of
var allArguments = args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))
As push.apply()
works for passed array-like objects and also doesn't create unnecessary copy of the array.