Vue website builder
Building a UI that allows creating and/or editing web pages is a task I took up at least once at every job I had. It always adds complexity — not only to the web page itself but also by requiring additional back end for HTML rendering. Today this complexity is already there in a form of modern UI libraries and build tools.
We will create an application that allows users to build simple web pages from preexisting parts.
For clarity the web pages that are the end product of the whole process will be referred to as Pages and their elements as Modules.
The goals
End users should be presented with a drag-and-drop interface.
The UI should allow users to edit the content in imported Modules — edit text (with and without formatting), add and change images etc.
Users can rearrange Modules in edit view.
Pages should be built from a library (or libraries) of Modules created by another team (or teams) with new created on request.
CSS should not leak to or out of the main app.
New Modules can be created in a matter of hours — making them available in the UI should not require whole app to be redeployed.
Created Pages must be exportable into standalone HTML pages with an option of Java Script free version.
Users can't create modules themselves. Only compose Pages from existing modules.
Not everything is editable. Only elements explicitly marked as editable can be accessed and changed by a user.
Some aspects can never be changed eg. fonts and most of the typography is defined upfront for each module.
The plan
System composed of 3 parts:
- Component Library(-ies)
- Set of Vue components that accept custom data via props. Built in a way that allows loading them via HTTP.
- User Interface
- A Vue based web app. A view where components can be put together into a Page and filled with data. Think Guttenberg.
- Exporter
- A Node server. This will export Pages as standalone web pages.
Basic assumptions
After in depth analysis in search of possible problem areas I decided on a set of prerequisites:
- Modules in Component Libraries must adhere to a standard
- Editable props must be identifiable and accessible for UI to inject data.
- UI and Exporter need a shared protocol
- It has to fully express what the Page is. Data validation on both ends will greatly reduce hard to find bugs.
- UI and Exporter need to have access to the identical component libraries
- UI will fetch modules in UMD form via HTTP. Exporter can do the same or install whole library in requested version.
- CLs, UI and Exporter need to share dependencies
- We don't want to embed external libraries into CL modules.
Firstly this would ship external libraries (with their dependencies), eg. a third party gallery component, inside imported component and take away the chance for optimizing the package size in exporter.
Secondly, in case the module creation is outsourced we need to control what libraries are being used.
In the next 3 posts I will describe specific elements of this system, both in depth and in insolation. I am going to explain how assumptions above were expressed in the code. I will finish the whole series with another overview — how the design of the whole system influenced each of its parts, and what was done to avoid coupling the code too tightly.